Items shown include super mushrooms, bricks, item blocks, and warp pipes capable of transporting players around their islands. Nintendo announced Super Mario 35th anniversary items for the next Animal Crossing Update. The game will transition between side scrolling action and team based battles as the characters un cover just what happened to them and the rest of the world. Made by the same creators as Dangan Ronpa, players will make their way back to Tokyo in the aftermath of an aborted Death game. the game will release in 2022 with a demo out today. The game will also have the player make decisions guided by the three principles of Utility, Morality, and Liberty which will effect your character’s “Conviction” as well as the game’s story progression and character recruitment. Triangle Strategy will be a tactical rpg in the same vein as Fire Emblem, but with the added mechanic of 3D terrain, such as cliffs, which will effect the range of certain weapons. The game will utilize the same HD 2d style as Octopath Traveler. Square Enix announced a new tactical rpg coming to the Switch, Project Triangle Strategy.

In Story mode players will play as a mii and face off against in the denizens of the mushroom kingdom as they build their golfer. In Speed golf players will all play on the same course at once and compete to sink their ball in the hole the fastest. Nintendo announced two game modes aside from traditional versus play, Speed Golf and Story Mode. The game will include functionality for both button inputs and motion controls. The direct also announced the newest entry in the Mario Golf Franchise Mario Golf: Super Rush.
The newest action rpg in the Monster Hunter Series will release alongside a special edition Monster Hunter Switch and Pro-Controller. Skyward Sword HD is available for preorder now. Additionally a pair of special edition Joycons modeled after the Master Sword and Hylian Shield will release on the same day. Players will move the sword using the right analogue stick in this configuration.

The HD remaster will still use motion controls, however it has also been configured to work with button inputs for play in handheld mode or on a Switch Lite. In additional Legend of Zelda news, an HD remaster of Skyward Sword comes out July 16th. All of these will be covered under the expansion pass which you can purchase for 19.99 starting today. The second wave will include new characters, new vignettes, new stages and new battle skills for existing characters and will release in November. After that, New characters, weapons, enemies and challenges will be added in the first wave releasing in June. The expansion will roll out in waves, the first being a bonus weapon and costume for link on May 28. Speaking of 1 v 1,000 fights, Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity will be receiving an expansion. The 1 v 1,000 battler will be available some tie this summer. The Game will take place during the Sengoku era and focus on Nobunaga Oda and Mitsuhide Akechi. The direct also announced the newest entry in the Samurai Warrior’s franchise, Samurai Warriors 5, for Switch. Defeating bosses will unlock new upgrades for your death glove. To fight each boss you’ll have to raise money by completing mini games to pay the entry fee. Additionally some mechanics have been revealed. Nintendo confirmed an Aug 27 release date for No More Heroes 3. A new stage has also been added, Rex’s home on Gramps’s back from the beginning of Xenobade 2. If you were hoping for Rex to be the next fighter, he still joins the game in some capacity.

Based on the trailer it appears players will be able to switch between the two, similar to how Zelda and Shiek used to. Nintendo announced Pyra and Mythra as the next dlc fighters in Smash Ultimate. The game will launch on Nintendo Switch systems in 2022. The Inkling carried a new bow themed weapon and was accompanied by a salmon companion, suggesting greater prominence of the creatures in the sequel. The first look showed us an Inkling out in what seemed to be some sort of desert wasteland making their way to a large city by train. Nintendo announced Splatoon 3 during the most recent Nintendo Direct.